Finnish language

Finnish Language is one of the world oldest language. Even our literal language is just 500 years old, but our spoken language is thousands years old [15]. Sometimes people says that our language is one of the world hardest languages to learn, because it’s a very differential compared to Germanic languages, auctually Finnish basic words are more similar with Proto-Germanic language. The Finnish grammar is probably more similar with the grammar of Hebrew than English grammar. Easiest way to learn our language is speak it. We are Finnish by language, people and culture, but also we have an own country nowadays.

Image 1. Finno-ugric languages.

Let’s get started

People would be interested to learn our language. While many people have moved from different counties to Finland they have learned to speak Finnish language in the long time in our history. Only Sámi people are the original Finnish people ethnically, they are the amazing and indigenous people in Lapland, the only one in whole Europe [25, 28]. Other europeans are more and even more shit children of violent kings and lying popes and so on from the dark medieval times [26, 27] I think that the spoken language is still very useful and effective in modern times.

Sámi people spoiler
Image 2. Our beauty and exotic language, sound’sPowerness.

There is a lot of web pages where you can learn this language. I’m a native speaker of Finnish, so i’m not speaking it perfectly. Our language is so complex that it is almost impossible to speak it correctly in fluent way, but by spoken it sounds more logical than it looks like in written form. Our language is older than all known written text. It’s a little bit broken in manyways, full of exeptions. It does it very hard to write a super describle and explicite Finnish text in correct form. For example I don’t know how to translate ’a cigarette’ to Finnish Language, we call it as ’(a) tobacco’ for this reason. [1, 2, 3]

Image 3. Finnish Language is explicitly read as it is written, even the origin meaning of the letters is missed. [13, 24]
Image 4. Evolution of cuneiform writing.

Long vowels is very big problem for many peoples, but native speaker hear difference very well and it’s a big and hard part of our language. Especially in spoken language these will be important, if you like to speak in fluent way. Maybe some people will never learn these, so it’s not so big problem, if you don’t learn these. It’s just like an accent. if you try to speak about number six or spruce (kuusi), you would talk in low-style about piss (kusi) mistakenly.

In English, in English languageSuomessa, suomen kielessä
in house, on the housetalossa
to housetaloon
from housetalosta
house’s wife, wife of the housetalon vaimo
in house’s wife, on house’s wifetalon vaimossa
to house’s wife, to wife of the housetalon vaimoon
from house’s wife, from wife of the housetalon vaimosta
house’s son, son of the housetalon poika
soundääni 🙀
sound’s powernessäänen voimakkuus
sound’s powerness, volumeäänenvoimakkuus, voluumi (not used commonly)
wife’s house, house of the wifevaimon talo
the wife’s house, the house of the wifevaimontalo
in wife’s house, on wife’s housevaimon talossa
to wife’s housevaimon taloon
from wife’s housevaimon talosta
Table 1. some basics of the Finnish words, if you want to say or write something in simply Finnish.

I speak my language by starting main thing, after that I say sub-things related to the main thing. It’s something quite similar within object oriented programming language, actually our language is a polymorphic. Germanic languages are more structured. For example we don’t have any articles on our languages, switch explains that is the word a generic (a) or specific (the) word. The main reason is that we start sentences from specific thing and then it goes to more generic or less important things. [4]

in Englishsuomen kielellä (by language of the finland)
I am going to house.Minä menen taloon.
*spoken: (you can use a different type of vowels in this kind of words, even a long and mixtured vowels. There is some reserved vowels for the tribes of Finland [22].) meen taloon.
I am going from house.Minä menen talosta.
*spoken: meen talosta. Someones drop out the last vowel, especially when the sentence continue.
You are going to house.Sinä menet taloon.
*spoken: meet taloon.
He/she is going to house.Hän menee taloon.
*spoken: se menee taloon.
We are going to house.Me menemme taloon.
*spoken: me mennään taloon. or: mennään taloon.
He/she is going from house.Hän menee talosta.
He/she is going from house to kitchen.Hän menee talosta keittiöön.
He/she is going in house to kitchen.Hän menee talossa keittiöön.
It is going from kitchen in wife’s house.Se menee keittiöstä vaimon talossa.
Asshole is going from wife’s house’s kitchen to own house!Persereikä menee vaimon talon keittiöstä omaan kotiin!
He/she is going to own house from kitchen, now from wife’s house.Hän menee omaan kotiin keittiöstä, nyt vaimon talosta.
*it’s possible to say as long sentences as you have a breath in your lungs, but we try avoid these in written language.
Table 2. some sentences as example.

That is what I know about my own language. Maybe some people would have an own vision about the language, but I have survived with my Finnish to this day. Of course this wasn’t all about the language, but it is like an intro to our language.


Finnish is thousands years old language. Roots of Finnish language comes from 6000 years old language, Finnish language itself is 3000 years old. [15]

”Our country’s language is a so weird secret language, so that the response should be given for the suitable Finnish people to do it.” -Admin [17]

Our literal language development started at Martin Luther University in 16th century, when Mikael Agricola wrote the first Books in Finnish [10]. Probably most important book was ABC book that was made to teach the written language [5]. Also there was very important books like New Testament in Finnish. [6]

We have a Latin pronounce on our language. If you can speak Finnish then you can read Latin Language, Latin was a very explicit and only academically allowed language back to then. Or if you learn to read Latin, then you can read Finnish text even you don’t understand anything you are reading for.

Spurdo Spärde have a very bad Finnish accent and excellent Finnish pronounce.

We are very conservative to use our old words. We have words like ”omena” that means ”apple” and it perhaps comes from thousands years old Indo-Iranian language [7, 14]. Also we call ”car” as ”auto”. We have holiday ”Pääsiäinen” that is ”Easter” is Central Europe. Our word ”kuningas” is spelled exactly same way as the ”kuningaz” word in proto-Germanic language [20, 21]. There is lot of people whose want to rewrite the history, maybe I could do something similar sometimes [16].

Finnish people are peaceful.
Image 5. Peasant Mikael Agricola. [13]

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -Socrates


[1] InfoFinland: Finnish Online
[2] Taste of Finnish: A Taste of Finnish
[3] World Dive: Learn Finnish Online
[4] Programming Paradigms
[5] Wiki: ABC-book
[6] OPH: Life and Work of Michael Agricola
[7] Wikinary: Omena
[8] Google Translate: Musta ihminen (Finnish) -> Niger (Latin)
[9] Family Research
[10] Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg: Creating knowledge since 1502
[11] Top Universities: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
[12] Times High Education: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
[13] Place for Truth: Mikael Agricola and the Reformation in Finland
[14] Wiki: Indo-Iranian languages
[15] Finland: Where Does Finnish Come From
[16] The Atlantic: The Idea That Whites Can’t Refer to the N-Word
[17] Our oldest profitable industry
[18] Resposive Voice: Text to speech
[19] Culture differences
[20] Wikipedia: Proto-Germanic language
[21] Wikinary: Proto-Germanic/kuningaz
[22] Quora: What are the tribes of Finland?
[23] AncientHistory: The Phoenician Alphabet & Language
[24] Wiki: Phoenician alphabet / Table of letters
[25] VisitFinland: meet the Sámi
[26] Medieval times
[27] Lombardi
[28] Justice Ministry: A new Sámi district law would have been needed, the work to secure the rights of the Sámi continues

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